Whether it be moodiness, or diagnosed depression, anxiety, bipolar – emotional well being is a big deal to get off to on the right foot. We assess root cause to then really treat what is actually going on versus a band-aid approach.

Lets work together to support your tweens and teens through these years in order to smooth the highs and the lows out. Whether it is skin issues, hormonal issues, or emotional issues – lots of big changes are occurring. Getting support along this ride is so helpful to make things feel not so overwhelming.

These appointments allow an opportunity to assess growth and development. A complete physical exam will be performed as well as a chance to go over chief concerns, questions and developmental expectations. Often times done at 2, 4, 6, 8, 12 weeks, 6, 9, 12, 18 months and 2 years and up on a yearly basis.

Let’s remove these labels. Let’s assess what is actually going on with your child. By gathering health history, signs and symptoms, performing lab testing, we can then work alongside of conventional treatment or use stand-alone natural treatments to support your child in the best way possible.

Whether it be that you are dealing with stress, hormonal issues, your emotional well being, autoimmune issues, lack of immune system function, funky digestion issues that are unexplained – these concerns are all very relevant to your health as you yourself and to you as a parent. Whatever it may be, lets sit down. Let’s work through this together. It takes a village. And you, my parent friends, are the most important members.